So, some news is good news: Alison Bechdel DREW me. She drew me!

I---it's----oh! Man! Yow! (Mang I take comfort knowing my Bechdel self is much more articulate than the self I have right now. Whenever I am at a loss for words I will look to her, smugly logophiliac, recently caffeinated).
Look, she drew my arms and hand exactly as they are in the photo. My face is smarter in the picture, but my arms hold exactly what they held.

Trivia: Jaya Ch. took this photo when she visited me in Madrid in 2007!
Significa: Ben Stevens romanced this photo from Bechdel when she visited Bard. This was the exchange as documented by B. Stevens:
I started the Q&A by asking whether
she could draw as a cartoon someone from a photograph?
"Sure!", Alison said.
A photograph I had printed out from facebook? (I printed out three,
for options.)
"She looks like a cartoon character already!", Alison said.
Flummery: I did not request such a favor, but I absolutely implied that, you know, if I were to be in the presence of the creator of "Dykes to Watch Out For" and "Fun Home" I would definitely do something nice for any luckless absentee in my life. Ben, and Bechdel, went far beyond my wildest hinting.
oh my goodness, it really is amazing! WOW! how exciting! i will thank that benfriend when next i meet him...and of course i love the drawing although she did NOT capture your spirited chin or your sweet expression! but if she knew you for five minutes, then she WOULD have, i am sure. love, mom p.s. all all all day today i had a little song in my heart, "June Thirtieth, June Thirtieth, June Thirtieth!" well, those were the lyrics, but the song was very happy. love, mom
pretty way tres cool
she swooped your eye-goggles and eye-hats!
June 13th means no catzzz ha ha I'm actually not saddd just MADDD rawrharharchucklebark?meow.
You are lucky! I'm glad for you and your mom is right if she knew you, she would captured your "spirit".
rosee i HAVE peaked eyehats alreadee, totallee.
matilde, my spirit may not be captured nor captioned nor caparucitaed.
a cartoon character
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