

Straight ahead.

My room from below.

My room from above.

The hall is not always so dark.

Honeys mines I've been, let's see, 3 months out of Madrid, um almost a month on New York's couches, this is math, um another week at home, I was in Germany for more than a week and then later one day more, I just can't count the houses and beds and friendships I crashed on, we'd better ellipse...I got into Madrid the 27th and I didn't move into anywhere until the night before last. I'm homestarved, I think in this state any old bunker would satiate, BUT: this house is sunripened, handpicked, local grown organic uh a 20 year old WOOFer named Michael with a beard played flute to it while it grew...it's a good apartment.

The street is called Costanilla de los Desamparados, which means "itsy sloping street of the Homeless." Which ho ho ho, feels right. We're certainly camping at the moment, unmoved in, unfridged beer and floorspace conferences.
It's Atocha zone (by the gorgeous train station), metro Antón Martin, officially part of the Barrio de las Letras, or Literature Neighbourhood, where famous phrases have been bronzed and hammered into the pavement.
Our flat! Right about Lavapiés, where we lived last year. It's up in the world, and it is where we have moved. The rooms are big and sunny, the hall is big enough to gallop up, down, wide enough to lean in and converse, all four of us plus someone's friends, the floors are wood (excepting that of the big chummy kitchen, which is brick)...there's a balcony in the living room, plenty of traffic noise tra la. We're all pretty in love at the moment, with the apartment and with each other for having stuck through and stuck together and found this THING, this beautiful sunny thing. Ewan already is making noises about staying in it more than the (age! age!) year we have contracted.
so lovely and generous and aged
GORGEOUSNESS! and it looks like there is room in that hallway for an aged mother to sit and sun herself! Maybe i could come build you some furniture with all my woodworking skills!
IT IS A PERFECT FLAT!!! hooray! Love to all the dears there, and as soon as you get an address, i will send you a letter. also, as soon as you get a refrigerator, i will send you a magnet. You will need a magnet.
Love, Mom-s0-sure-of-what-you-need
and i will send the magnetic fields, in person, what's left of them
This is Sam. When do you get furniture? I finished slaughterhouse 5. Kind of Phillip K. Dick and Timothy O'Brien combined minus the paranoia and misogyny.
In what room will the ukelele be kept or keep the roomies company?
Not Sam
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