In an effort to peel off our winter crusts (because scabbing hides infection) we threw a color party in our flat. The theme was color both in defiance of winter and to encourage our guests to wear something other than slimming black. It didn't really work:

But I guess super beautiful people have flower faces anyway. See my housemates, Ivan and Elodie and Ewan, flanked by Gonzalo and Patri:

Elodie and I made colorful food. Some of it also tasted good.

I guess it was a good party. Our couch got moved. This is Rosanil who uses her excellent English to call me "little fellow."

Unfortunately I fell asleep with a headache a sore throat and jetlag early on, on a pile of coats.
Then Hannah came! We ate. She should live here.
Delicious photo, comfy couch, ukelele doppelganger (?), happy times--thanks for sharing.
comedic timing KILLER
our proximity UP and UP!!
love a you!!!
Your muzzer sez...
what a lovely party to nap through! I love the photos, thank you sooooo much, and i can look at them any ole time, unlike videoskype, which i find to be distressingly more hype than nuffinmuch.
I like you unpixillated. unpixilated. without scrambly bits.
I am so glad you live with and near such good dear people.
Have some chocolate for your heart.
Maybe u´re upset with me for moving the furniture, or for something else and u´re not able to telling me¿?
Only acording to the photo...
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