Monday, April 26, 2010

Granada part 2 part 2

Walking up to Bea's cave at night.

Bea is actually hyper beautiful, much more than mentioned by these pictures.

And --walking down from Bea's cave in the morning! I am wearing her dress: notice what the little man in the traffic sign is wearing.

This is why we would walk down the mountain:

Down down down.

Bless Granada.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

granada pt. 2 pt. 1

So firstly, yah, we couldn't escape La Alhambra this trip. We couldn't get in it, either, but that's just so typical of omnipresences. Cuz Bea's cave home was up a mountain from whence the Alhambra was just always There. Plus if you go to Granada the Alhambra IS always there, in the good dark beer and in what people ask you about and in the heartz and soulz. So here, we got into the gardens, check it:

But most importantly we got around it.

You should wikipedia the Alhambra, man.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

When Sam was here, man.

We lived the good life.

Thanks to Angie's little hiding head for photos.