Monday, March 09, 2009

This is still my favorite part of my thesis transl. introd.:

"Translated wordplay such as “the mama donates/ beauty” function mostly by sending the reader back to the original text on page 201, “la madre dona la/ hermosura,” during which transit the words “madre dona” and “mama donates” undergo a species of magic-eye congelation, a cross-eyed bilingual reading from which the Madonna emerges."

When I wrote it I laughed and Emma said "what what what" and when I read it to her she had many many more whats to what

but it's an important point, that third-eye of ze reader of parallel poems, the 3D spanglish congealing down the page divide


Anonymous said...

did I tell you our version of "Spanglish"? fitness-club (i.e., Spandex) English---when you speak it you can feel ze burn

Anonymous said...

I have seen that madonna crossing the room! her face is on a pancake, though.

love, mom

Anonymous said...

ready for more

Anonymous said...


love, rosie

Sophie or a said...

DANG rosie. good eye. that typo got printed in quintuplicate and stored in the school library. Dang.

Anonymous said...

oh rose of my eye, i'm so proud (as well)

Anonymous said...

hoping that tomorrow, the day of your mother's fourth infusion, there will be a new post, celebrating what one hopes will be the end of chemo, the beginning of radiation, and the eve of a stronger, happier, fitter (radiohead'd) per

love and hugs and cheeriness to you